Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (14) Trade and other receivables in CHF million 2018 2017* Trade receivables 1,928.6 1,780.9 Less adjustment for impairment of trade receivables (127.0) (121.6) Trade receivables net 1,801.6 1,659.3 Other receivables 126.1 134.8 Total trade and other receivables 1,927.7 1,794.1 Current portion 1,244.2 1,214.7 Non-current portion 683.5 579.4 Total trade and other receivables 1,927.7 1,794.1 Maturity of non-current portion 1 to < 2 years 345.1 290.9 2 to < 3 years 220.1 175.8 3 to < 4 years 95.3 80.0 4 to < 5 years 15.7 19.4 >= 5 years 7.3 13.3 Total non-current trade and other receivables 683.5 579.4 * Restated, see note 2.2 The closing loss allowances for trade receivables and receivables with significant financing component as at December 31, 2018 reconcile to the opening loss allowances as follows: in CHF million 2018 2017* Opening balance of adjustment for the impairment of trade receivables at January 1 121.6 105.8 Additional impairment adjustment charged to income statement during year 34.0 39.0 Write-offs of trade receivables charged to impairment adjustment account during year (28.6) (23.2) Closing balance of adjustment for the impairment of trade receivables at December 31 127.0 121.6 * Restated, see note 2.2 in CHF million 2018 2017* Currency denominations of the carrying amounts of trade and other receivables EUR 942.9 866.1 USD 233.7 210.9 Other 751.1 717.1 Total trade and other receivables 1,927.7 1,794.1 * Restated, see note 2.2 2018 Financial Report | 48

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