Compliance worldwide Compliance with regulations worldwide Hilti handles its corporate responsibility by closely monitoring new trends concerning health, safety and environment. To ensure health and safe workplaces on the one Hilti XXXXXXXXXXX Street nr zipcode city hand, and environmental protection on the other hand, is a must for Hilti and we de-� Our reference: XXXXXXX T +XXXXXXXXXXXX F +XXXXXXXXXXX termined to continuously improve our relevant processes. Hilti ensures with the same E�[email protected] Page 1�of 2 D 02.06.2009 rigor also the environmental performance of its products to provide our customers REACH regulation (EC) 1907/2006 & RoHS (2002/95/EG) directive with safe and environmentally friendly products. Accordingly, Hilti complies with offi- Dear Madam, dear Sir, Thank you very much for your valued interest in our products. cial regulations and standards but has also introduced its own standards in business st The European chemicals regulation (EC)�1907/2006�REACH has entered into force on 1 of June 2007. All chemical substances that are either new or already on the European market will be registered with the European Chemicals Agency (EChA) in Finland in a multi-step process over a period of 11 years. with suppliers and concerning internal production. As a formulator of preparations Hilti is mostly a so-called downstream�user for the purpose of REACH. Unlike manufacturers and importers of chemical substances we are not under legal obligation to pre-register or register. However, we are constantly in close contact with our suppliers in order to ensure that they pre-register and register substances of concern for Hilti both in time and in compliance with REACH. We also make sure that the use(s) of our customers will be included as required by Art. 10 and Art. 37(2). For substances on their own, in preparations or in articles which are being imported by Hilti, we have contacted our suppliers in good time and clarified whether they, e.g. by appointing an only�representative�according to Art. 8, Hilti actively manages environmental legislation such REACH, RoHS, WEEE, PAH, will pre-register and register the respective substances. In those cases where our suppliers communicated they did not intend to pre-register or register, Hilti as the importer has done the pre-registration and will do the registration if necessary. DMF, PCF, EuP, GHS, several hazardous substances laws affecting transport, usage A continuity of supply of the products you source from us is therefore assured under REACH. Our current material safety data sheets are already in compliance with REACH Art. 31(6). Furthermore, our articles and their packaging materials do not contain substances included on the current candidate� list for and disposal, and occupational health and safety laws in general. authorization according to Art. 33 and 59(1, 10) in a concentration above 0.1 % weight by weight. The candidate list is monitored on a regular basis. In addition, our products currently do not contain substances subject to authorization or restriction (REACH Annexes XIV and XVII). A so-called extended�safety�data�sheet (eSDS) according to Art. 31(7) contains an exposure�scenario. The latter is primarily relevant for manufacturers/importers of dangerous substances according to directive 67/548/EEC or of so-called PBT or vPvB substances if the threshold of 10 t/yr is exceeded. It will be prepared in the course of substance registration by our suppliers if necessary. Should it be required to pass on new information obtained through an exposure scenario, Hilti will do so in an eSDS. For the time being the current safety data sheets remain valid. We hereby confirm that all the products we provide to you that are covered by the 2002/95/EG�(RoHS) directive, fundamentally meet the RoHS directive stipulations effective as of July 1, 2006. +LOWL·VSKDVHRXWSURFHVVRIXQZDQWHGVXEVWDQFHV With kind regards Hilti XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Signature 1 Signature 2 3KDVH 3KDVH 3KDVH 4UVEZ 4VCTUJUVUJPO 1IBTFPVU "QPUFOUJBMSFQMBDFNFOU 5IFBMUFSOBUJWFTVCT 0WFSBEFGJOFEQFSJPE TVCTUBODFJTJEFOUJGJFE UBODFHFUTUIPSPVHIMZ PGUJNF UIFTQFDJGJFE BOEFWBMVBUFEJOUFSNT UFTUFEUPFOTVSFUIBU TVCTUBODFJTQIBTFEPVU PGJUTRVBMJUZ DBQBDJUZ BTBNJOJNVNUIF QSPEVDUMJOFCZQSPEVDU BOEFOWJSPONFOUBM SFQMBDFNFOUTVCTUBODF MJOF"GUFSUIFTFUEFBE JNQBDUJODPPQFSBUJPO EFMJWFSTBDVTUPNFS MJOF UIFTVCTUBODFJT XJUIPVSTVQQMJFST FYQFSJFODFUIBUJTBT QSPIJCJUFEJOBMMOFX)JMUJ HPPEBTUIFPSJHJOBM QSPEVDUT The successful implementation of REACH, to take one example, is very important for Hilti to continuously provide its customers with safe and ecologically friendly prod- ucts at the highest level. The REACH directive deals with the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical substances, and entered into force on June 1, 2007. The aim of REACH is to further improve the protection of human health and the environment through the better and earlier identification of certain chemical sub- stances. It is legislation from the European Union, and applies to all suppliers (inside and outside Europe) that want to sell, import or manufacture chemicals and/or prod- ucts containing certain chemicals in the European Union. The Hilti Group supports the objective of REACH to further improve the European Union’s regulation on chemicals, including the aim to advance public health and safe- ty and to protect the environment. We have requested our chemicals suppliers to (pre)register the chemicals they supply us with, in order to ensure compliance and no interruption of the supply flow. The limited number of chemicals that we produce and import ourselves has been entered into the pre-registration process already. Addition- ally, we have requested our component or finished products suppliers to provide us information on the relevant chemicals in their supplied products. This enables us to provide our customers with a comprehensive compliance statement addressing all requirements of REACH. 12 Environmental management at Hilti

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