Supplier requirements Environment and safety: partner and supplier requirements Hilti has more than qualitative and economic criteria for production and sourcing. Suppliers are constantly monitored to see whether they observe our strict social and ecological standards. It goes without saying that Hilti production facilities and their suppliers have to main- tain all relevant national and international regulations. Bribery and payoffs are not tol- erated under any circumstances. Human rights must be respected and working con- ditions must be safe. In observing this code of conduct Hilti corresponds to the guidelines of the United Nations, the International Labor Organization, the International Chamber of Com- merce, the World Economic Forum and the UN Global Compact. The Hilti code of conduct for suppliers also represents our responsibilities towards the environment and prescribes certain guidelines, such as the handling of chemicals. Additionally, our suppliers are obligated to contribute to reducing waste and pollutant emissions into the air, ground and water. They must also ensure that they increase the degree of material and product recycling and to continue to improve the energy efficiency both in their production processes and in the handling and transport of goods. Each supplier must pledge, in writing, to observe our code of conduct. This helps to achieve a standard of behavior that is valid worldwide and meets, and sometimes exceeds, legal regulations. Hilti suppliers are regularly audited to ensure they meet these standards. If the audit results are negative Hilti declines to work with the parti- cular supplier. Environmental management at Hilti 13

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