Corporate Responsibility “We build a better future”: Corporate Responsibility at Hilti The goal of our corporate strategy is to generate sustainable profitable growth. This also includes taking responsibility in areas affected by our business activities. Corporate responsibility (CR) is therefore an integral part of our business model. Our core purpose states “we build a better future”. This stands for our traditionally high sense of responsibility towards our team members, customers, partners and suppliers, society and the environment. The social and corporate responsibility (CR) goes back to the company’s founder, Professor Martin Hilti. Today, an interdisciplinary team creates the framework for strategic sustainability management in all areas. “We can only enjoy long- &RUSRUDWHUHVSRQVLELOLW\ term 昀椀nancial success if we take our corporate responsibilities, in terms of 7HDP 8VHUKHDOWK &RUSRUDWH (QYLURQPHQW %XVLQHVV PHPEHUV DQGVDIHW\ VRFLDO HWKLFV society, economy and the UHVSRQVLELOLW\ environment, seriously.” Bo Risberg, Chief Executive Of昀椀cer, Enthusing Offering solutions Contributing to Actively managing Ensuring respon- Hilti Corporation employees for for added safety sustainable social the effects on the sible, respectful Hilti and contrib - and productivity devel opment en vironment business dealings uting to their to our customers in all corporate development processes • Our corporate culture ensures that all team members show a high sense of responsibility. Our values of integrity, courage, teamwork and commitment are the foundation for the daily actions of our employees. • Rules of behavior for our team members and suppliers around the world are main- tained in our code of conduct. These rules regulate fair and cooperative interaction among all our company’s interest groups and are continuously monitored to ensure they are observed. • Company-wide standards for all business processes ensure that we always meet, or exceed, the legal regulations of the countries in which we operate. This applies to all areas of corporate responsibility. • We actively participate in international efforts aimed at improving ethical, social and ecological standards in business life. As a partner in agreements such as the UN Global Compact, the Partnering Against Corruption Initiative or the UN Caring for Climate initiative, our goal is to positively influence the economy with our values in mind. Environmental management at Hilti 3

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