raise our team members’ awareness of environmental We manage the waste generated in our own operations and joint ventures are in areas subject to “extremely protection at Hilti and their individual responsibility by working with external service providers who have the high” water stress; six sites are in areas subject to “high” by means of internal training. Beyond mandatory appropriate certi昀椀cations for disposal of the respective water stress. We are working on the respective risk trainings, we provide training sessions on hazardous waste types. We have committed to contributing zero assessments and are de昀椀ning and implementing actions substances and on the proper disposal and recycling waste to land昀椀lls in all our operations long term and to mitigate the associated risks. We also take the topic of waste. All our product manufacturing units are are working on different projects to further strengthen of water scarcity into consideration when de昀椀ning future subject to ISO 14001 Environmental Management our efforts in this direction. In the reporting year, we plant operations and planning new buildings. Designing 11 sites and operations for minimal water usage, as well System certi昀椀cation. In addition, our developing managed to be land昀椀ll-free at all our production plants . and engineering services, marketing and distribution An overview of our waste by category can be found in as implementing rainwater harvesting measures, are of equipment, tools and fastening solutions for the the tables on page 30. integral parts of this process. Where needed, water construction industry are ISO 14001 certi昀椀ed. On top of used in our industrial processes is treated in in-house that, nine of our market organizations maintain a local Some of our production processes produce wastewater treatment facilities before it is returned to environmental certi昀椀cation. contaminant emissions. We measure these emissions the respective wastewater systems. There are legal at all locations, comply with local statutory emission standards regarding the quality of ef昀氀uent discharge In the reporting year, we passed an external requirements and have received the necessary which we fully comply with. Also, we comply with all surveillance audit for ISO 14001 in the respective permits for our operations. Based on our plant- legal wastewater limits and strive to go beyond them in scope without any deviations. Furthermore, an external speci昀椀c environmental matrices, we identify which the future. In the reporting year, we began expanding our service provider trained our internal auditors on emissions we want to initially focus on reducing and/or plants in India and Hungary. International certi昀椀cations ISO 14001 audits according to the standard, to further eliminating. In each of our plants, we have the expertise from the German Sustainable Building Council increase our in-house capabilities. to monitor the emissions and support our agenda underscore our strong focus on water consumption, to reduce them. We are working to further reduce including rainwater harvesting and grey water utilization. We aim to reduce waste and increase water and contaminant emissions but are also aware that, in the energy ef昀椀ciency and we work on the corresponding future, we will need to 昀椀nd ways and new technologies data management as well as the de昀椀nition of smart to holistically move away from these pollutants. 2023 implementation examples reduction targets. Hence, we constantly increase the measurability and accuracy of data on energy, waste, We mainly use water in our plant operations for several • In our plant in Schaan, Liechtenstein, several oil water and contaminant emissions to better track our production steps and we constantly work to reduce centrifuges were installed during the reporting year. progress and to derive targeted measures that will water consumption through new technologies and With this technology, we can clean the oil coming further optimize our resource use. We engage with all various improvement activities, especially keeping from a converting process. This signi昀椀cantly cuts the relevant stakeholders, such as our team members and water in the cycle. Almost two thirds of group-wide amount of new oil that must be added to the process. suppliers, to reduce water consumption and waste and water consumption is allocated to our plants and During the reporting year, we expanded to 昀椀ve oil to optimize the use of resources. joint ventures, which remain the focus of our activities centrifuges in total. These investments enabled us to achieve further improvements. According to the to reduce oil consumption in 2023 by 20 percent. In “Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas” tool, two of our plants 2024 we expect a further reduction to 40 percent. 1 Land昀椀ll-free is de昀椀ned as sending no more than 1 percent of waste to land昀椀lls and less than 10 percent of waste to waste-to-energy (incineration).

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