At a Glance Greater • 25% reduction of standby electricity through employee engagement and increased awareness in our plant in Austria • Implemented a reusage strategy for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and apparel in our Resource market organization in Italy • Installed oil centrifuges in our plant in Liechtenstein to signi昀椀cantly reduce oil consumption Ef昀椀ciency ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Within our plants, but also in logistics, repair centers Organizational anchoring Management approach and product testing, we aim to minimize our impact on the environment and to continuously improve resource The topic of environmental protection is handled in In addition to complying with local environmental ef昀椀ciency. Our focus areas are waste reduction, water our Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) department protection laws, we have established a standardized ef昀椀ciency and contaminant emissions reduction, as under the direction of the Chief Compliance Of昀椀cer. and optimized environmental management system well as reducing our CO22 emissions and exploring the We have also appointed approximately 200 HSE and a group-wide environmental policy, which full potential of the circular economy. Besides focusing representatives who work in our various plants, was adapted to re昀氀ect our new Group Strategy on our operative processes, we continuously optimize warehouses and repair centers. Furthermore, the topic Lead 2030, during the reporting year. The policy our own buildings for environmental performance over of environmental protection is anchored in different comprises, for example, continuous improvements, their life cycle. company communities. data measuring and target setting. We encourage CO : p. 13; Circularity: p. 20 Sustainability Management: p. 4; CO : p. 13 all team members to measure their daily actions 22 22 against the standards described in the policy and to demonstrate a potential for improvement. We also

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