Green Building with BREEAM CO2 Reduction using Hilti MM Channel System &2 UHGXFWLRQ !&2 UHGXFWLRQ   The innovative Hilti MM Channel System reduces the amount and weight of steel LQ7UDGLWLRQDO7UDSH]H LQ6WDQGDUG7UDSH]H required to support pipe runs without compromising on load performance thanks to ,QVWDOODWLRQV ,QVWDOODWLRQV intelligent engineering. >*:3LQNJ&2 @ >*:3LQNJ&2 @ Hilti has taken an holistic approach to analyse the CO savings made by installing the   2   Hilti MM system having commissioned a third party accredited environmental con-   sultant to compare full LCA data for the Hilti MM channel system along with standard   traditional Unistrut products. The steel weight difference for the typical installation ²   methods below is significant presenting further advantages on the jobsite such as ² lower manual handling risk and higher productivity.           8QLVWUXW6\VWHP 8QLVWUXW6\VWHP +LOWL006\VWHP +LOWL006\VWHP Mat 5 - Responsible Sourcing Hilti contribution Criteria Certified EMS for the Key Process and Supply Chain. Aim Hilti maintains accreditation to ISO 14001 for its Environmental Management System To recognise and encourage the specifi- and has traditionally taken a systematic approach to sustainability for many years. cation of responsibly sourced materials Hilti’s global process management system, GPMS, covers all core aspects of the com- for key building elements. pany, including quality and environmental management, according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Assessment Criteria: Hilti products that may be taken into consideration for this BREEAM section are items Up to 3 credits are available where evi- such as Hilti channel systems (grid systems for ceilings and raised floors), Firestop dence provided demonstrates that 80% mortars, putty pads and coated boards. Please ask your Hilti representative for details of the applicable on specific products which can be verified by BRE. materials (listed below) comprising each of the following building elements are re- sponsibly sourced: Structural Frame, Ground floor, Upper floors (including separating floors), Roof, External walls, Internal walls, Foundation/ substructure, Staircase Mat 6 - Insulation Hilti contribution Criteria As Hilti foam and firestop products are not used for large areas the thermal conductiv- Aim ity was only measured for selected materials. To recognize and encourage the use of thermal insulation which has a low Hilti is happy to provide you with relevant technical details for the tested materials embodied environmental impact relative which confirm their thickness and thermal conductivity. to its thermal properties and has been responsibly sourced. Assessment criteria: Credits are awarded for embodied im- pact of insulation materials used and their responsible sourcing. page 17

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