Green Building with BREEAM Materials Area for assessment Hilti product Key VP and Number of evidence credits Mat 1: Materials specification Use a nationally recognized LCA All Hilti products Hilti products are Up to 4 tool based data referring to these will get a product comprehensively credits norms: carbon footprint analyzed concer- ٠ ISO 14040: 2006 Environmental or LCA ning their environ- Management – LCA- Principles & mental impact Framework ٠ ISO 14044: 2006 Environmental Management – LCA requirements and guidelines Mat 5: Responsible Sourcing Up to 3 credits are available where Channels sys- Hilti is certi昀椀cated 1.5 evidence provided demonstrates tems, 昀椀restop according to that 80% of the applicable materi- mortors, putty ISO 14001 als (listed below) comprising each pads, coated of the following building elements board are responsibly sourced: Structural Frame, Ground 昀氀oor, Upper 昀氀oors (including separa- ting 昀氀oors), Roof, External walls, Internal walls, Foundation/subst- ructure, Staircase Mat 6: Insulation To recognize and encourage the Hilti foams Hilti foams show Up to 2 use of thermal insulation excellent insulation credits properties com- parable to mineral wool Waste Area for assessment Hilti product Key VP and Number of evidence credits Wst 1: Construction site management Diversion from landfill Clean-Tec car- Innovation Up to 3 Reuseable products tridges, firestop credits cushions...) ٠ Returned to the supplier via a Compliance with take-back scheme Power tools and battery and WEEE batteries regulations. Take back of power tools and batteries for assessment, recovery and recycling Hilti supports green building worldwide Hilti can assist you in achieving green building standards Hilti is a responsible company and therefore is dedicated to reducing the environmen- tal impact of its products and services. As one of the world’s largest manufacturers of power tools, high performance accessories (including state-of-the-art fire protection systems) and integrated services, Hilti recognizes the value of designing buildings to meet green building standards. A great number of Hilti products and services help to comply with certain green building standards around the globe such as BREEAM, HQE, DGNB and LEED. Customers requiring assistance with product selection to sup- port green building projects can contact Hilti Customer Services or speak with their local Hilti representative. page 21

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