Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) Focus on Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) – Hilti sets the standard Hilti puts a strong focus on reducing the environmental impact of its products based on the full product lifecycle. Hilti started in 2009 with measuring the environmental impact of all products with life cycle assessments (LCA). We are dedicated to working closely with our customers and suppliers to reduce especially our carbon emissions. In working toward this target, we take into account all life cycles of a Hilti product starting with the material extraction/provision, internal production, transportation, product usage and end of life. All Hilti products will be analysed by using the Product Carbon Footprint methodology (PCF) for tools and by complete Life Cycle Assess- ments for built in construction products with the aim to reduce the environmental footprint of the next generation of Hilti products. Environment integrated in Hilti products: +HDOWKVDIHW\DQGHQYLURQPHQWLQWHJUDWHG LQ+LOWLSURGXFWV (QHUJ\HIILFLHQF\ &2 HPLVVLRQVUHGXFWLRQ  HQKDQFHPHQW ‡3&)UHGXFWLRQLQDOO ‡(QVXUHKLJKHVWVWDQGDUGV SKDVHV  LQGXUDELOLW\RISURGXFWV ‡5HQHZDEOHHQHUJ\ ‡8VHVWDWHRIWKHDUWGULYH WHFKQRORJ\WRDFKLHYH HIILFLHQWSHUIRUPDQFH 5HF\FODELOLW\LPSURYHPHQW ‡,QFUHDVHUHF\FODELOLW\RI SURGXFWVDQGSDFNDJLQJ 5HVRXUFHHIILFLHQF\ ‡'HVLJQIRUHDV\ LPSURYHPHQW GLVDVVHPEO\ ‡5HGXFHSURGXFWZHLJKW ‡,QFUHDVHVKDUHRIUHF\FOHG FRQWHQW +D]DUGRXVVXEVWDQFHV PDQDJHPHQW ‡5HGXFHXVHRIFULWLFDO VXEVWDQFHV ‡3URDFWLYHSURWHFWLRQRI  KXPDQKHDOWKDQGWKH HQYLURQPHQW By understanding the environmental impact of our products and getting full transpar- ency on major impact factors, Hilti will reduce especially the CO2 emissions of its products over the next years. We follow here existing standards (ISO 14040/44, PAS 2050 and first drafts of ISO 14067) and work closely together with an external partner in Germany. The provided LCA and PCF data is partly based on the databases GaBi and ecoinvent (e.g. Materials, production processes etc.). Additionally, Hilti partici- pates directly in crucial associations and conferences to ensure highest possible credibility of PCF data for customers. TE1000-AVR: Identifying sources of CO emissions and learning to reduce them! The total CO 2 emissions of the TE 1000-AVR are almost 200 kg. Looking at the 5 life 2 cycles (see illustration underneath) it becomes clear where the CO reduction poten- 2 tials are: Environmental management at Hilti 17

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