In support of safer building design, our 昀椀eld-based mindset of sustainability, from design to production and used Hilti Concrete Sensors (HCS) on this project. engineering force consults on critical safety problems aftermarket service processes. Sensor technologies enabled DPR to optimize the and provides technical assessments, engineering Sustainability Management: p. 4 cast-in-place concrete on this project, which allowed services and on-site testing during the design the project team to move faster, save money and and construction phase. We also support general reduce the CO impact of the concrete. An estimated contractors in planning their projects more effectively, 22 Management systems and policies 24 percent cement reduction was achieved through modeling and calculating safety-critical solutions the strategic selection of concrete mixes and the directly within the Building Information Modeling (BIM) We partner closely with standardization organizations, integration of the HCS solution. These sensors offer methodology. helping to ensure compliance with regulations and the vital data on concrete maturity and timeline, aiding effective performance of our solutions. We are also DPR in selecting the most suitable mix for their actively engaged in these organizations, such as the project and avoiding waste. Organizational anchoring European Committee for Standardization, the European Organization of Technical Assessment and the Improving both the environmental footprint and safety International Code Council. These associations allow of a building is the task of our business units. We follow us to strive to develop standards and regulations that a structured development process that integrates create a foundation for both safer and more practical security features into our products at a very early design solutions. We promote these standards and stage. In addition to tests anchored in the guidelines, regulations in the markets in which we operate, and we we check for a wide variety of contingencies, such participate in public consultations carried out by the as incorrect product storage and varying installation respective national committees. conditions. We only market a product once these risk assessments have been completed. In addition to our obligation to monitor a product after its launch, 2023 implementation examples feedback from our customers also plays a key role in the continuous improvement of our product offering. E xplore how we help our customers to reach their sustainability Experts in our development teams carry out structured goals in our 2022 Company Report reviews of customer input, performing additional tests and site visits if necessary. • Concrete Sensor: DPR Construction is a general • Doing more with less: Benelmat is a construction contracting 昀椀rm in the US. At DPR, project teams equipment rental company, part of the CFE group, To illustrate our commitment to helping our customers typically place high value on accomplishing projects with headquarters in Belgium. The CFE group on their journey towards a sustainable future, we on time and on budget. This is why DPR decided to has sustainability and innovation at the heart of established a Customer Sustainability Management use concrete sensors for the delivery of the Granite their activities, principles that Benelmat put into Team. The team’s mission is to collaborate with Southlake building that won the Outstanding Building practice when providing on-site assistance during customers, raise awareness and provide transparency of the Year award in 2022. This project poured construction and renovation. Benelmat reached out on sustainability within the construction industry while 4540 cubic yards of concrete for elevated decks to Hilti in order to improve the sustainability value helping Hilti customers achieve, among other things, in the summer in Texas. As concrete cures, heat is proposition of their small equipment 昀氀eet. Thanks low carbon footprint solutions, circularity, building generated, and large structural elements get hot. to Hilti’s Tool Park Optimization service, Benelmat safety and user health & safety. Furthermore, the team To measure the in-place concrete temperatures and was able to reduce their small equipment park from supports the organizational transformation towards a estimate in-place concrete strength, DPR’s team 1200 tools, batteries and chargers to little more than

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