We are aware that the level of safety in all areas cannot Management systems and policies be increased through regulations and training alone. Our goal is to Therefore, we ask all team members to take our safety The six occupational Health & Safety principles in mindset to heart and to think and act in a safety- our Health & Safety Policy apply to the Hilti Group become an conscious manner according to the maxim “safety is worldwide and are based on recognized standards. industry leader caring”. Our team leaders have a special responsibility The policy discusses the Hilti Code of Conduct to foster this mindset and are asked to internalize it and section regarding Health & Safety and re昀氀ects on to show their team members a better way to handle the Occupational Health and Safety Management in employee safety issues. Systems (OHSMS) we use to steer our organizations worldwide. Different OHSMS are prevalent in different Health & Safety. regions. These include ISO 45001 in Europe and Organizational anchoring OHSAS in the USA, as well as other national and industry-wide systems. The management systems We direct our activities through safety steering throughout the Group are therefore similar, but not In the current reporting period, we assessed our committees where leadership members serve as safety identical. global progress over the last two years with surveys ambassadors. While safety steering meetings take and external audits. Based on this analysis, we will place on a quarterly basis, the committees meet every We work with industry-leading providers to gain review the road maps for all business areas and, in a month. The steering is responsible for controlling the a comprehensive picture of the applicable legal subsequent step, update and adapt them. This year’s progress of the work and ensuring the right direction. requirements and then provide them in an IT-based Perception Survey marks the completion of the current The Global H&S Process Manager coordinates the management system to our local organizations. The control loop that commenced with the Safety Mindset overarching interaction between the various steering management system is used centrally to list tasks and Initiative, launched in 2021. The increased participation, committees. assign and delegate responsibilities to local colleagues. nearly four times that of 2021, is an explicit indication To ensure that the standards are implemented in of the commitment to this cause. The survey clearly In addition to their responsibility for compliance with compliance with applicable laws, regulations and shows that the presence of safety as a company value, local occupational Health & Safety legislation, the main licenses, internal and external occupational safety and the empowerment of individuals to take action on task of the local H&S teams is to prevent occupational specialists conduct on-site visits and safety inspections safety concerns, are core strengths of Hilti. However, accidents and work-related illnesses. The teams ensure at our plants, repair centers and in logistics operations. the survey also shows the need for ongoing efforts. that our internal policies, standards and guidelines, The specialists exchange information and experiences which typically go beyond national legal requirements, in regular H&S online groups to promote learning from are implemented. As in other areas, we work with a others and sharing of best practices. community approach to connect colleagues worldwide and manage a knowledge exchange. Sustainability Management: p. 4

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