• Implementation of corporate safety standards: Measuring our safety progress Structured reporting is an integral part of measuring In the current reporting period, we developed and safety progress. For the reporting of work-related implemented Corporate Health & Safety Standards Our main indicator for measuring our safety hazards and hazardous situations, we have a process in ten high-risk areas. These standards supplement performance is the lost time incident rate (LTIR). with clear steps and responsibilities in place. Incidents our Hilti Health & Safety Policy, and they extend our It measures the number of accidents that result in or observations must be reported immediately through Occupational Health & Safety Management System more than one day of absence from work per one our online reporting tool, either by someone observing by detailing the basic Health & Safety rules Hilti million working hours. In the reporting year, we the incident or by the employee involved. has established for its team members, visitors and further increased the transparency of our data as contractors while they are working for Hilti or on described below. In 2023, the overall health and safety Hilti premises. The common, global set of standards performance at Hilti improved. The total number of creates a baseline and gives life to the goal of accidents decreased from 227 in 2022 to 214 in 2023. creating a harm-free workplace. These standards The LTIR came down by 9 percent to 3.55. In 2023, have set minimum requirements for mitigating a 4 accidents with severe consequences occurred. The range of occupational risks present at Hilti locations main types of work-related injuries and hazards in and where Hilti team members do business. These 2023 were cuts, especially to hands and 昀椀ngers – we standards also represent our efforts to encourage are working hard to reduce these further. occupational safety excellence throughout the organization. Additionally, we have developed an implementation guide, a self-assessment and 11 a requirement matrix which is separated into EmpEmpllooyyeeee a acccicidendenttss d dururinging w woorrkk the different functional areas and shows the Change corresponding requirements that must be met. 2021 2022 2023 (% vs. 2022) 22 • Continued rollout of ENGAGE workshops: Total 261 227 214 –6% In the current reporting year, we continued to reinforce of which with severe consequences 33 11 13 4 –69% Hilti’s safety commitment while strengthening the of which fatal 44 0 0 0 – 22 safety mindset within the company culture. As part Lost time incident rate of our safety mindset road map, we fully rolled out (based on 1,000,000 hours worked) 4.7 3.9 3.55 –9% and conducted evaluate, name, gather, assess, Accident rate with severe consequences generate, execute (ENGAGE) workshops, which (based on 1,000,000 hours worked) 0.2 0.2 0.1 –50% were introduced as pilot projects in 2022. In these Fatality rate (based on 1,000,000 hours worked) 0.0 0.0 0.0 – workshops, we raise awareness in the organization 1 1 Internal employees incl. contingent workers (2021, 2022) concerning occupational safety and create or adapt 2 2 Employees absent from work for at least one day 3 3 Accidents with subsequent work loss > 60 days a corresponding action plan. 44 Fatal traf昀椀c accidents

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