At a Glance For a Better • Achieved carbon neutrality goal within our own operations plus business travel • First delivery of certi昀椀ed CO offsets by own 22 projects • Commitment to reduce carbon emissions in Climate line with the Science-Based Target initiative, and to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 CO 22 In 2020, we set out to achieve carbon neutrality in our Management approach Organizational anchoring operations and in business travel by 2023. We reached this milestone through emission reduction, replacement Managing our CO22 emissions holds signi昀椀cance not Our carbon emissions are monitored and managed of fossil energy sources, our own production of green only in our day-to-day operations but also for informed by the Corporate Sustainability Team, which reports electricity and offsetting. Compared to a scenario decision-making and shaping our company’s strategic to the CEO. The executives responsible for CO22 are without mitigation measures, we saved 60 percent actions. In 2023, we unveiled our new Group Strategy the Head of Corporate Sustainability and the Head of CO emissions (vs. 2019 baseline) and offset the Lead 2030, formulating our customer promise aiming of Finance. Furthermore, there are regular exchanges 22 to be the best partner for sustainability by placing in several internal online communities, such as remaining 40 percent of CO emissions with our own 22 CO the sustainability in development, sustainability certi昀椀ed offsetting projects. This is an important step 22 emissions reduction at the core of our strategic toward our goal of net-zero emissions by 2050, aligning objectives. Beyond our own operations, we assess in facilities, sustainability in transportation and with the 1.5-degree pathway of the Science-Based and mitigate CO22 in our value chain both by engaging sustainability in procurement communities. These Target initiative (SBTi). with our suppliers and by aiming to be the best groups drive initiatives to reduce CO22 emissions, Company Report partner for our customers in providing low-emission for example by changing our vehicle 昀氀eet from construction solutions. We regularly engage with our gasoline and diesel engines to electric drives and relevant stakeholders to ensure that their feedback, hybrid vehicles, enhancing the energy ef昀椀ciency in needs and suggestions for improvement are given due our facilities or raising the focus on carbon reduction consideration. within our supply chain. The purpose of these

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