ABOUT THIS REPORT Basis of reporting The table on page 67 shows the scope of the material are accounted for according to the Greenhouse Gas topics according to GRI 3-1 and the associated GRI (GHG) Protocol and reported as CO equivalents. standards. There are no associated GRI standards Besides CO 22 The 2023 Sustainability Report is the fourth 22, this also includes other greenhouse sustainability report of the Hilti Group. The report also for the “Employee Engagement” and “Hazardous gases de昀椀ned by the Kyoto protocol. contains information provided by the Hilti Foundation. Substances” topics. We have therefore referred directly to the corresponding pages in the report to 昀椀nd the The reporting period is the 2023 昀椀nancial year from We have determined Scope 1 emissions for the Group January 1 to December 31, 2023. Deviating reporting management approach. The management approaches using energy consumption and local emission factors. periods of data or content are shown separately. The to the topics “Waste”, “Water Ef昀椀ciency” and We use real information on gas and oil consumption in editorial deadline was March 8, 2024. We are reporting “Contaminant Emissions” have been combined and our buildings, as well as vehicle fuel consumption in our annually on our progress. The next Sustainability are reported jointly in the “Environmental Protection” market organizations. We included estimates for locations Report will therefore be published in 2025. chapter. The management approaches to the topics and time intervals where no consumption data were “Employee Engagement”, “Inclusion & Diversity”, available. For the last two months of the reporting period, The report is based on the internationally recognized “Learning & Development” and “Work-Life Balance” we systematically generated estimated data. These reporting framework of the Global Reporting Initiative have been combined and reported jointly in the “Our estimates are based on, for example, prior period data, (GRI). This report has been prepared with reference to Culture of Engagement” chapter. average consumption per car (vehicles), per square meter the GRI Standards. (warehouses), per repair output hour (repair centers), per GRI Content Index: p. 70 Data and content employee (of昀椀ce buildings) or per building (Hilti stores). The forward-looking statements made in the report are We account for our Scope 2 CO emissions using a 22 based on internal assessments of future developments Quantitative sustainability reporting at Hilti is still under market-based approach, assuming that there are zero that are subject to uncertainties and are not under the development. Therefore, we are not yet able to report Scope 2 emissions for green electricity. We source control of Hilti. The report is published in English only. standardized Group data but have different data bases green electricity globally in the form of certi昀椀cates depending on the topic. The content and data were (RECs or GOOs). Additionally, we generate our own determined using surveys in the respective departments, photovoltaic electricity in some of our locations. We Material topics and their delimitation globally available information, and estimates. The data included estimates for locations and time intervals published in this Sustainability Report was collected where no consumption data were available. For the last The material topics for Hilti were identi昀椀ed using and processed with the highest degree of accuracy. two months of the reporting period, we systematically a materiality analysis based on the principles Nevertheless, we cannot completely exclude the generated estimated data. These estimates are based formulated by the GRI, such as stakeholder possibility of transmission errors. on, for example, prior period data, average consumption engagement, considering impacts in the context per car (vehicles), per square meter (warehouses), per of business activities and relationships, materiality For calculation reasons, rounding differences of ± one repair output hour (repair centers), per employee (of昀椀ce and completeness. In addition, general reporting unit (CHF, % etc.) may occur in the tables. buildings) or per building (Hilti stores). principles were observed: accuracy, balance, clarity, comparability, completeness, sustainability context, CO calculations We analyzed and evaluated our Scope 3 emissions in 22 the upstream and downstream stages of our value chain timeliness and veri昀椀ability. Sustainability Management: p. 4 This Sustainability Report contains data on Scope 1, and identi昀椀ed eleven categories which are applicable for Scope 2 and Scope 3 CO emissions. These emissions Hilti. For the calculation of Scope 3 emissions in every 22 category, different methods are used.

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