Financial Statements Hilti Corporation Financial Statements Hilti Corporation BALANCE SHEET INCOME STATEMENT in CHF million Note 3311..1122..22002200 31.12.2019 in CHF million Note 22002200 2019 ASSETS Net sales 2,861.1 3,134.2 Change in inventory of finished goods and work in progress (0.1) 0.6 Capitalized own production 2.5 2.3 Intangible assets 4 50.6 45.2 Other operating revenues 8.7 15.8 Property, plant and equipment 5 416.3 403.2 Total operating revenues 22,,887722..22 33,,115522..99 Financial investments 6 1,888.5 2,002.9 Total non-current assets 22,,335555..44 22,,445511..33 Material costs 12 (1,248.7) (1,448.1) Personnel expenses 13 (307.1) (339.1) Inventories 7 148.1 161.0 Depreciation and amortization 14 (47.8) (45.0) Trade and other receivables 8 720.6 688.0 Other operating expenses (869.9) (896.2) Accrued income and prepayments 44.4 48.4 Total operating expenses ((22,,447733..55)) ((22,,772288..44)) Cash and cash equivalents 817.8 605.7 Total current assets 11,,773300..99 11,,550033..11 Operating result 339988..77 442244..55 TOTAL ASSETS 44,,008866..33 33,,995544..44 Financial revenues 15 187.1 74.5 Financial expenses 16 (193.3) (22.8) Financial result ((66..22)) 5511..77 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Net income before income tax expense 339922..55 447766..22 Tax expense (49.1) (49.4) Share capital 126.7 126.7 Legal reserves 108.4 108.4 Net income 334433..44 442266..88 Foreign currency translation reserve (17.4) (17.1) Retained earnings brought forward 2,317.8 2,185.0 Net income 343.4 426.8 Total equity 9 22,,887788..99 22,,882299..88 Provisions 10 85.1 93.5 Borrowings, payables and other liabilities 11 1,027.0 934.2 Accrued liabilities and deferred income 95.3 96.9 Total liabilities 11,,220077..44 11,,112244..66 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 44,,008866..33 33,,995544..44 2020 Financial Report | 76 2020 Financial Report | 77

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