2019 Hilti Company Report KEY FIGURES 5,900 783 6,000 5,659 800 681 728 5,500 5,113 700 604 5,000 4,633 600 547 4,384 4,500 500 4,000 400 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 3,500 300 Net sales in CHF million Operating result in CHF million 591 600 546 15.0 13.0 13.3 12.9 13.3 521 12.5 550 13.0 500 481 11.0 450 410 9.0 400 7.0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 350 5.0 Net income in CHF million Return on sales (ROS) in % 21.0 21.1 20.6 19.8 22.0 19.0 400 18.0 360 335 325 14.0 320 303 10.0 280 248 245 6.0 240 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2.0 200 Return on capital employed (ROCE) in % Free cash 昀氀ow in CHF million (before acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries, including lease payments) COMPANY PROFILE 400 355 367 32,000 30,006 29,004 350 311 29,000 26,881 300 280 26,000 24,619 Hilti stands for quality, innovation and customers. If there is an on-site chal- Family Trust, which ensures the long- 23,385 direct customer relationships resulting lenge for which no Hilti solution exists, term continuity of the company. Hilti 240 in about 250,000 individual customer one will be developed. This is why the builds a better future – with sustainable 250 23,000 contacts each day. Based in Schaan, company invests approximately 6 per- and innovative solutions. The compa- 200 20,000 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 cent of sales each year in research ny supports society and environment 150 Liechtenstein, the company has 30,000 17,000 employees around the world who con- and development. The strategic ob- equally to actively pursue a better fu- Research and development expenditure Employees at December 31 tribute to making construction work jective is sustainable value creation ture both within and outside of the core simpler, faster and safer while inspiring through market leadership and differ- business area. In addition to the char- in CHF million customers every single day with tech- entiation. The company has also been itable Hilti Foundation, the company’s values of integrity, courage, teamwork nologically leading products, systems, planning with 昀椀nancial foresight since software and services. Many ideas for its founding in 1941 by brothers Eugen and commitment are demonstrated Please note improvements are developed directly and Martin Hilti. All company shares every day in its interactions with team 2017 numbers have been restated due to the adoption of IFRS 15 Revenue from contracts with customers and IFRS 9 Financial Instruments. on construction sites while talking to are in the possession of the Martin Hilti members, partners and customers. Numbers prior to 2017 have not been restated. 04–05

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