2019 Hilti Company Report “ IN THE EVENT OF A FIRE, SAFETY IS OUR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY.” Roland Weixler, Development Team Lead, Hilti Germany The 昀氀 ames are climbing higher and higher up the wooden wall, swiftly melting exposed cables and plastic pipes in record time. In reality, this could be cata- strophic, which is why Hilti engineers do extensive testing in the lab. Their goal: to determine how long the Hilti 昀椀 restop sleeves can withstand the intense heat before the protected cables are affected. After a two-hour test, the answer is “passed”. Only then can the 昀椀 restop solutions be of昀椀 cially approved and installed without reservation in wooden buildings. Hilti closes a gap in wooden construction. Moreover, the passive 昀椀 restop products can be preinstalled, and can thus reduce construction time enormously. 20–21

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