2019 Hilti Company Report “ EDUCATION IS KEY FOR LEADING AN AUTONOMOUS LIFE.” Beatrix Baettig Staud, Project Manager, Hilti Foundation Dararath still looks a bit skeptical in the learning center in Steung Sen, Cambodia. But whether he is aware or not, it is likely that he already holds the key to leading an autonomous life through his access to books. Almost one in four Cambodians cannot read or write. The Hilti Foundation supports the social enterprise Bookbridge in assisting committed people from disadvantaged regions in establishing self-昀椀 nanced learning centers. These centers are aimed at providing affordable access to education for children and youths. The Hilti Foundation also makes it possible for employees of the Hilti Group to contribute their expertise in the planning and development of the learning centers. In return, they gain a sense of responsibility while earning the opportunity to reinforce their intercultural communication skills and put new management styles into practice. For more information on the cooperation with Bookbridge and on Hilti Foundation projects please visit www.bookbridge.org and www.hiltifoundation.org. 54–55

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