2019 Hilti Company Report NON-FINANCIAL ASPECTS OF CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY HUMAN RIGHTS ANTI-CORRUPTION ACTIVITIES Code of Conduct Organization Hilti strives to consistently improve the ethical and social The Compliance Management System (CMS) developed conditions associated with business activities and therefore over previous years was developed further in the year under mandates that its suppliers observe international require- review, notably establishing guidelines for regulating con- ments and ethical standards. The company uses audits to 昀氀icts of interest. In strategic terms, the CMS is based on the ensure that the standards are maintained. In case of serious guidelines contained in ISO 19600 and ISO 37001. violations of the Code of Conduct, such as employing child or forced labor, Hilti is authorized to immediately terminate Prevention any agreement. Hilti employees are regularly trained to observe the com- pany’s internal anti-corruption guidelines. Hilti continues Anti-discrimination to work on creating modern methods and approaches Hilti is convinced that commercial success and corporate to prevent corruption. Additionally, possible corporate responsibility are directly connected. In addition to a culture acquisitions are subject to appropriate prevention and that is based on integrity and mutual respect, globally valid inspection measures which meet the company’s high level anti-discrimination guidelines create transparency in order of compliance requirements. to ensure inclusive behavior in the workplace. ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL AND PROTECTION EMPLOYEE MATTERS Reducing CO2 emissions Corporate culture As part of its global CO strategy Hilti has taken various The Hilti Way describes a corporate culture characterized 2 measures from a trio of subjects that include deploying elec- by common values, exemplary management and the con- viction that corporate growth and personal development tric vehicles, greater energy ef昀椀ciency in manufacturing and purchasing greener energy. Having achieved large savings in go hand in hand. This is why Hilti invests in workshops each the previous years, the emissions per employee were further year that exclusively focus on corporate culture and that reduced by 2.7 percent. reach all employees and management levels at all locations. In 2019, some 42,000 employee workdays were spent on corporate culture workshops. Energy ef昀椀ciency Another focus topic in 2019 was the energy ef昀椀ciency in the production facilities. At Hilti’s manufacturing facility Occupational safety in Thueringen, Austria, for example, hall ventilators were Accident prevention is a central point of occupational safe- replaced by modern lamellar ventilators. In addition to sig- ty. Over the past several years, a program known as “near ni昀椀cantly reducing the amount of energy used, this measure miss management” was established in the manufacturing also improved the building’s air quality. Various measures facilities, warehouses and tool service centers as part of taken in the year under review resulted in the saving of a comprehensive lean initiative. The target is to identify several 100,000 kWh of energy solely at the company’s dangerous situations or near misses and to implement production facilities. corresponding preventive measures. Employee health You can 昀椀nd an overview of key environment-related 昀椀gures online at www.hilti.group. In 2019, Hilti once again implemented a number of mea- sures and campaigns aimed at promoting better health at various locations around the world. In addition to measures which are required legally, many local organizations also offer initiatives focusing on sport, nutrition and medical and psychological counselling. 66–67

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