Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (22) Employee benefits Employee benefits creating obligations of the Group to its employees comprise defined benefit plans, other long-term employee benefits and short-term employee benefits. The Group also provides employee benefits through defined contribution plans. Defined benefit plans Swiss pension plan The Group’s largest defined benefit pension plan is located in Switzerland: It covers employees of the parent company as well as of the Swiss and other Liechtenstein-based Group companies (the ‘Swiss pension plan’). The Swiss pension plan accounts for 79.2% (2017: 77.8%) of the Group’s total defined benefit obligation and 87.9% (2017: 87.2%) of the Group’s plan assets. The Swiss pension plan is funded through a legally separate trustee-administered pension fund. The pension plan is overseen by a regulator as well as by a state supervisory body. The pension plan’s most senior governing body (Board of Trustees) must be composed of equal numbers of employee and employer representatives. The Board of Trustees is responsible for the investment of the assets. When defining the investment strategy, it takes into account the pension fund’s objectives, benefit obligations and risk capacity. The investment strategy is defined in the form of a long-term target asset structure (investment policy). The Board of Trustees delegates the implementation of the investment policy – in accordance with the investment strategy – to an Investment Committee. The cash funding of the plan is designed to ensure that present and future contributions should be sufficient to meet future liabilities. Further on, the Board of Trustees is able to adapt the contributions and benefits. There is a stop-loss insurance which covers the risk from a certain excess amount (e.g. for disability or death). The Swiss pension plan contains a cash balance benefit formula and is therefore accounted for as a defined benefit plan. Employer and employee contributions are defined in the pension fund rules in terms of an age-related sliding scale of percentages of remuneration. Under Swiss law, the pension fund guarantees the vested benefit amount as confirmed annually to members. Interest may be added to member balances at the discretion of the Board of Trustees (i.e. 1.0% in 2018 and 2.0% in 2017). At retirement date, members have the right to take their retirement benefit as a lump sum, an annuity or part as a lump sum with the remaining balance converted to a fixed annuity at the rates defined in the fund rules. The Board of Trustees may change the conversion rate at their discretion subject to the plan’s funded status and the requirements of the Swiss Federal Law on Occupational Retirement, Survivors’ and Disability Pension Plan (BVG). Other defined benefit plans The remaining defined benefit plans are located in Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Taiwan, Korea, Norway, the Philippines, France, and Japan. Only the last two plans listed are still open for new plan participants. Other long-term employee benefits Other long-term employee benefits comprise jubilee and other long-service benefits, a long-term incentive and other long-term employee benefits. The relevant period for the long-term incentive is 2016–2018 with payment to be made in 2019. Historically the level of outflows concerning other long-term employee benefits (excluding the long-term incentive) has been constant each year. Short-term employee benefits Short-term employee benefits such as short-term variable compensation are included in ‘accrued liabilities and deferred income’ (see note (27)). Defined contribution plans The employer’s contribution totals CHF 39.2 million (2017: CHF 35.4 million). 2018 Financial Report | 57

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