Group Financial Statements CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET in CHF million Note 31.12.2018 31.12.2017 01.01.2017 Restated* Restated* ASSETS Intangible assets 7 808.3 732.0 471.7 Property, plant and equipment 8 894.0 866.3 812.8 Investment property 9 1.9 1.9 1.9 Investments in associates and joint ventures 10 2.8 2.6 – Deferred income tax assets 11 128.8 154.1 174.6 Other financial investments 12 12.2 11.5 11.0 Trade and other receivables 14 683.5 579.4 481.3 Derivative financial instruments 16 5.3 5.6 7.0 Total non-current assets 2,536.8 2,353.4 1,960.3 Inventories 13 678.6 637.6 548.3 Trade and other receivables 14 1,244.2 1,214.7 990.8 Current income taxes receivable 26 23.4 11.6 22.4 Accrued income and prepayments 15 68.4 55.4 47.9 Derivative financial instruments 16 6.6 5.7 5.9 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 17 23.0 25.0 23.5 Cash and cash equivalents 18 1,030.9 1,140.2 1,113.8 Total current assets 3,075.1 3,090.2 2,752.6 TOTAL ASSETS 5,611.9 5,443.6 4,712.9 * See note 2.2 The notes are an integral part of these Group financial statements. 2018 Financial Report | 10

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